A ritual in every cup. Coffee crafted for a full, sensual journey.
Experience true Japanese aesthetics and technology.
“Japan-ly Brewed” by UCC.

Moving you

"Largo" promises to contribute to the fulfillment of
hearts and the
enrichment of lives, fostering deeper
human relationship.


"The Ultimate Coffee Experience"

Immerse your senses in the world of "Largo".

The Experience Room provides a multisensory encounter with the distinctive ambiance of the "Largo" brand, overwhelming aromas of exquisite coffee, and rich flavors.

Aligned with the brand promise of the three elements: "Beyond product", "Co-creation", and "Moving you", this space is created in accordance with the core concepts of the brand. It is a place where, through "Largo", hearts are fulfilled, and the lives of those savoring coffee are vividly adorned.

Food Pairing

Enhancing the allure of coffee and food

Enhancing the allure of

coffee and food

Enhance customer satisfaction
with "Food Pairing."

“Food Pairing“ involves thoughtfully selected combinations of coffee and food that complement each other.

The meticulous craft of a single cup of coffee is further enhanced and enriched by the pairing with food, intensifying its flavors and depth, resulting in an elevated experience.

Effortlessly discover well-matched pairings with the exclusive “UCC COFFEE LAB” system.

UCC Coffee Professional is equipped with the "UCC COFFEE LAB" system, designed to identify optimal combinations of coffee and food that complement each other seamlessly. Leveraging the expertise cultivated as coffee professionals, this system contributes to enhancing customer satisfaction.